General Membership Meeting and Wine Tasting October 6, 2016

Join us on October 6th at the Barrel Room in North Canton for dinner, wine and Hot Topics in Physician Wealth Management  

At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to:

Understand important strategies for creating wealth

Identify options for income protection

Know your responsibilities as a 401(k) plan fiduciary

Special Night — 3 Expert Speakers

RSVP by calling 330.492.3333

SCMS News June/July/August

SCMS Celebrates 150 years!


Membership Survey

Stark County’s Opiate Epidemic

Confronting a Crisis

New Member Benefit – Preferred Vendors

Community Harvest

Update Your Compliance Plans

AUI Pharmacy Program

15th Annual Golf Outing

Adam Olenick

Click here for details:  SCMS News June July August 2016

SCMS Resource Guide and Directory Info

Don’t miss your chance to advertise in our 2016-2017 Resource Guide.

This publication is widely distributed throughout the Stark County area.

Click here for pricing info:  Stark Medical Society 2016-17 Rate Card



SCMS Announces New Member Benefit

Dear Member,

On behalf of the SCMS, please welcome Jeffrey Eisenberg, President and CEO of SecuraWealth Investment Strategies – a local, independent personal wealth advisor – as a new Preferred Vendor.  Below is an introduction to his firm and services, including special member benefits that will be valuable to you.

Who We Are and What We Do

Jeffrey Eisenberg has 15 years of experience in financial services for busy professionals, high net worth individuals and small-business owners. SecuraWealth Investment Strategies offers investment solutions and financial plans tailored to your specific needs. We also analyze 401(k) plans and insurance requirements. Most importantly, we are completely independent. The investment choices we recommend are aimed to meet your needs; we receive no fees or commissions for the financial products that you require. Our fiduciary standard demands it.

How We Do It

Markets rise and fall, often without warning. Our approach is to build diversified portfolios that meet clients’ needs in a variety of market conditions, while reflecting each client’s tolerance for risk and their timeline for investing. We see our clients as partners, and we attend to their portfolios accordingly to ensure they stay on track as they advance toward their financial goals.

Member Benefits

ü  Complimentary personal investment consultations.

ü  Complimentary business retirement plan design analysis, including fee and fund benchmarking.

ü  Lower advisory fees and financial planning fees.

ü  Competitive open market rates on personal disability, term insurance, life insurance, business overhead expense insurance, and business insurance solutions.

How To Reach Us 

Contact Jeffrey Eisenberg at (330) 605-2564 or at [email protected].  Visit our website at

We look forward to helping you reach your goals!

Click here to review Jeffrey Eisenberg’s resume:  Secura_FullPage_Resume_v1 R05 26 16F

4 Ways to Cope with a Volatile Market#1 V1A 02 25 16F (3)

Zika Virus is Getting National and Worldwide Attention

For information on the Zika Virus and Pregnancy:  Zika Virus — Pregnancy

U.S. Office for Civil Rights Launches Phase 2 of HIPAA Audits

U.S. Office for Civil Rights Launches Phase 2 of HIPAA Audits

 On March 21, the federal Office for Civil rights (OCR) announced the start of the next phase of audits under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

According to OCR, audits will be extend to all types and sizes of organizations required to follow HIPAA rules, including business associates of healthcare providers.  The 2016 audits will primarily be desk audits, although some on-site visits will be included.

Those selected for an audit will receive an email, asking for contact information.   The contact person or office will then receive a pre-audit questionnaire.

Here is something especially important to know:

“Communications from OCR will be sent via email and may be incorrectly classified as spam,’’ the agency said in its announcement.  “If your entity’s spam filtering and virus protection are automatically enabled, we expect entities to check their junk or spam email folder for emails from OCR.” subscribers may click here to read details of the OCR announcement. Information includes:

·         Sample letter to auditees

·         Pre-screening questionnaire

·         Sample template entities may use to develop their list of business associates

·         Details of the audit process

Reminder: The Hardship Exception Application Deadline is Now July 1

Under newly defined provisions, you can claim a hardship exception for issues related to insufficient time to meet Meaningful Use reporting requirements for 2015, relating to the use of Electronic Health Records (EHRs).

As you may recall, CMS delayed issuing a final rule on 2015 reporting requirements until last fall. Providers across the nation complained, saying they did not have enough time to make the necessary shift to new reporting standards.

This new hardship provision acknowledges that. Those who apply for the exception will need to sign a sworn statement, attesting to difficulties due to time constraints.

But the rest will be easy. In its FAQ, CMS says it will not require providers or hospitals to submit documentation for any hardship category, and it will not review supporting documentation on a case-by-case basis.

Hardship application forms and instructions are available to subscribers on Go to Tools in the menu bar, then click on Download Center in the pull-down options. You will see the hardship downloads on the left side of the Downloads Center page.

Announcement from CMS

CMS Issues New Information on Submitting Quality Reporting Document Architecture Files

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released the 2016 CMS Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) Implementation Guide (IG) for Eligible Professional (EP) Programs and Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) Appendix. subscribers may click here for the document.

Latest from MyHIPAA Guide:

·         Guest Viewpoint: Easy Security Tips

·         IT security in an office environment can be a very complex issue to tackle. The flow in a busy practice makes matters worse. Simple and effective steps can be taken to eliminate some of the burden…

·         If Social Media is Your Nightmare, Read On

·         In truth, patient information can and does end up on Facebook and on other Internet sites. In reviewing cases published in major media and by the federal government, the culprits are often those working within healthcare…

·         Carelessness Invites HIPAA Police

·         This year, the federal government plans to begin audits to ensure compliance with privacy and security provisions under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The audits signal a shift to proactive enforcement of HIPAA rules, in contrast to the past, when the feds typically reacted to complaints of alleged breaches…

Visit Questions? Contact Diane Evans, Publisher of MyHIPAA Guide, at [email protected].

Disclaimer:  The newsletter is for informational purposes only, and represents highlights of CMS announcements. It is not is not intended as a complete record of compliance-related changes and announcements.
Questions:  Email Diane Evans at [email protected]



9th Annual OSHA Training & Seminar

For complete details click here:  OSHA Seminar 2016 Flyer

SCMS News March/April/May 2016


Preferred Vendors………………………………5
Zika Virus Disease Update……………………7
HIPAA Compliance ……………………………..9
6th District Councilor ………………………..10
Alternative Employee Benefits……………..12
Consumer Price Index………………………..15
Healthy Communities in Stark County…….16
Click here: March April May 2016

2016 Stark County Oral Health Bowl

2016 Stark County Oral Health Bowl


Date: April 1, 2016
Time: 06:00 PM — 09:00 PM
Location: Pro Football Hall of Fame –   |  2121 George Halas Dr NW, Canton, OH 44708
Contact: Laura deForest  |  (330) 305-6637  |  [email protected]



CLICK HERE to view program information for 2016 Stark County Oral Health Bowl on Friday, April 1, 2016.  Note: Registration Form can be downloaded and printed. Please complete the form and mail or FAX to the SCDS.

The Super Raffle winners will be drawn during the Oral Health Bowl.  Winners need not be present.  CLICK HERE for more information and to purchase Raffle Tickets.

Harvard Medical School IRB Approves Hydraulic Fracturing Survey

We are conducting a research study to learn what healthcare providers would like to know about unconventional natural gas development, which includes hydraulic fracturing or “fracking.” You are being invited to fill out a 5-minute survey as part of this study. We will use the results from this study to develop educational materials on the subject for healthcare providers. Your responses will provide information that may enable better healthcare for communities in which hydraulic fracturing is occurring.


You can access the survey by clicking on this link:, or by copying and pasting into your web browser.


Participation in this study is voluntary. You are free to decline to participate, end participation at any time for any reason, or refuse to answer any individual question. These surveys are confidential. Your survey responses will be collected and stored on a password-protected, secure computer.


You may benefit from this survey because the educational materials that are developed will be made available to you. The first 50 respondents to complete the survey will receive a printed medical toolkit that provides education on the impacts of UNGD on human health and teaches the importance of the environmental health and exposure history as part of patient care. The toolkit is designed by the Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project. It is available online at:


This study is approved by the Harvard Medical School IRB. Response to this survey will indicate informed consent. If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact Alexandra Gast ([email protected]).


Thank you for your participation. We look forward to receiving your reply soon.



Aaron Bernstein, MD, MPH; Principal Investigator

Alexandra Gast, MPhil, MD Candidate; Co-Investigator