SCMS News March/April/May 2016


Preferred Vendors………………………………5
Zika Virus Disease Update……………………7
HIPAA Compliance ……………………………..9
6th District Councilor ………………………..10
Alternative Employee Benefits……………..12
Consumer Price Index………………………..15
Healthy Communities in Stark County…….16
Click here: March April May 2016

2016 Stark County Oral Health Bowl

2016 Stark County Oral Health Bowl


Date: April 1, 2016
Time: 06:00 PM — 09:00 PM
Location: Pro Football Hall of Fame –   |  2121 George Halas Dr NW, Canton, OH 44708
Contact: Laura deForest  |  (330) 305-6637  |  [email protected]



CLICK HERE to view program information for 2016 Stark County Oral Health Bowl on Friday, April 1, 2016.  Note: Registration Form can be downloaded and printed. Please complete the form and mail or FAX to the SCDS.

The Super Raffle winners will be drawn during the Oral Health Bowl.  Winners need not be present.  CLICK HERE for more information and to purchase Raffle Tickets.

Harvard Medical School IRB Approves Hydraulic Fracturing Survey

We are conducting a research study to learn what healthcare providers would like to know about unconventional natural gas development, which includes hydraulic fracturing or “fracking.” You are being invited to fill out a 5-minute survey as part of this study. We will use the results from this study to develop educational materials on the subject for healthcare providers. Your responses will provide information that may enable better healthcare for communities in which hydraulic fracturing is occurring.


You can access the survey by clicking on this link:, or by copying and pasting into your web browser.


Participation in this study is voluntary. You are free to decline to participate, end participation at any time for any reason, or refuse to answer any individual question. These surveys are confidential. Your survey responses will be collected and stored on a password-protected, secure computer.


You may benefit from this survey because the educational materials that are developed will be made available to you. The first 50 respondents to complete the survey will receive a printed medical toolkit that provides education on the impacts of UNGD on human health and teaches the importance of the environmental health and exposure history as part of patient care. The toolkit is designed by the Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project. It is available online at:


This study is approved by the Harvard Medical School IRB. Response to this survey will indicate informed consent. If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact Alexandra Gast ([email protected]).


Thank you for your participation. We look forward to receiving your reply soon.



Aaron Bernstein, MD, MPH; Principal Investigator

Alexandra Gast, MPhil, MD Candidate; Co-Investigator

Mission Possible 2016

This year’s event will take place on January 30th beginning at 6:00pm at Brookside Country Club. This year’s recipients will be Hope Outreach Ministries, Community Services Gateway Apartments for the hard to house and formerly homeless, Quest’s new Regional Center for Opiate Abuse, and the SCMSA’s Medical Scholarship Fund.

We are looking for monetary sponsorships at three levels, $500, $1,000, and $1,500 with all levels receiving either 2, 4 or 6 tickets to the event. We are also looking for donations for the Silent Auction and items or services for the Live Auction. Please make checks payable to the SCMSA Charitable Fund and mail to the Stark County Medical Society office at 4942 Higbee Ave. NW Suite L, Canton, OH 44718.

There are a few changes this year, including a sit-down dinner, Live Auction, and the band LaFlavour playing after the Live Auction! We really want to make this a premier event in our community. We would love to have your help in achieving this endeavor. Please call, or e-mail, either Darlene Violet, Stacy Dulik, or Kevin Metz if you have any questions about this event.

Thank You,

Darlene Violet                     Stacy Dulik                           Kevin Metz

Co-Chair of Event               Co-Chair of Event               Executive Director of SCMS

330-477-6036                    330-837-7948                    330-492-3333

[email protected]        [email protected]              [email protected]

Opiate Symposium December 14, 2015

National & regional presenters including: Dr. Christina Delos Reyes, MD; Robert Garrity, JD, LISW-S, LICDC-CS; Chief Leonard Campanello, MACJ; Author Sandy Swenson; Keith Hochadel, M.Ed.; Donna Eleo, LPCC; Dale Batdorff; and the Collegiate Recovery Community from Ohio State University.

Who should attend: Medical professionals, Attorneys, Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice teams, Health & Human service providers, School staff, Business & Human Resources staff, Parents, Families and Students.

Presenter Highlights:

  • Dr. Christina Delos Reyes will discuss different models for understanding substance use disorders and the disease of addiction, including the medical model. She will list the symptoms, major clinical manifestations, and diagnostic criteria for Opioid Use Disorder.
  • Robert Garrity will describe the depth of opioid abuse in the medical profession on a personal level and list the steps involved in prevention, abuse, recovery and elapse. Mr. Garrity will cite differences in legal aspects as it relates to courts and professional boards.
  • Chief Leonard Campanello will describe how the Gloucester Police Department chose to initiate a program to change the way they handle addicts who request help with their addiction to opiates. The program allows the individual requesting aid to be screened into the ANGEL program and transported to the local hospital where they will be assigned an ANGEL to guide them through the process to access treatment.
  • Author Sandy Swenson will share her personal journey of finding a way to survive her son’s addiction and her own conclusion that “letting go is not the same as giving up”.

Location – Walsh University; 2020 East Maple Street, North Canton, OH 44720.


Cost– $15.00 per person will cover registration and include lunch.  PayPal accepted at online registration.


Education credits – CEUs/RCHs/CMEs pending for applicable sessions.


Limited space, register by December 9, 2015.  Contact Carrie Long, [email protected] with questions.

Click here for agenda:  Opiate Symposium Agenda


Edward Jones Educational Workshop 11/12/2015 Brookside C.C.

Join us…At Edward Jones, we believe financial education is an important part of achieving your goals.

For more information click here:  Edward Jones Educational Workshop


Student Loan Debt Management Webcast

Most early stage physicians leave medical school with a mountain of student loan debt and we’re sure our members are no exception. Paying off your loans can be a daunting task that directs resources away from other important financial matters like purchasing a home or saving for retirement. Many physicians admit that they could use additional education on how to best manage their student loans. To help educate our members, we are providing you with an excellent webcast produced by MEDIQUS Asset Advisors, that provides in-depth information about your loans and strategies for best managing them. Most importantly, they will detail strategies that allow you to pay down your student loans while still having resources left over to fund other important goals.

Please click the link below to view this webcast.

Student Loan Debt Management Webcast

We hope you find this information helpful and that it alleviates some of the stress caused by your student loans.

MEDIQUS Asset Advisors is a SEC Registered Investment Advisor offering investment advisory services and offers securities through Ausdal Financial Partners, Inc.,, Member: FINRA/SIPC.  MEDIQUS Asset Advisors and Ausdal Financial Partners, Inc are independently owned and operated.  MEDIQUS would like to remind viewers that individual questions should be discussed with an investment professional before making decisions.


Clarifying Questions and Answers Related to the July 6, 2015 CMS/AMA Joint Announcement



Clarifying Questions and Answers Related to the July 6, 2015 CMS/AMA Joint Announcement and Guidance

Regarding ICD-10 Flexibilities

Click here for details:  Joint AMA-CMS FAQs July 2015 revised 7-31-15


Medline Announces New Representative: Sean Murphy


Announcing New Representative

Sean Murphy

330.430.9591 Cell

[email protected]

 Please feel free to contact me for any questions or concerns.

Also if you need items quoted give me a call.

*Promotions:  Flu test A & B from Alere and Medline are buy 5 get the 6th for free.

          -Reimbursement on average $33.00 on a 10 minute test

*promotion runs to the end of September

8/20/15 General Membership Meeting

Join us on August 20th at 6:00 pm at the Barrel Room in North Canton.

Dr. Lawrence Glad will be discussing HPV Genotyping:  A new dimension in cervical cancer screening.

Click here for more details:  General Membership Meeting RSVP Summer 2015