Fidelity National Collections

Fidelity National Collections announces SCMS members receive a 5% discount on collection fees.

Click on the link for full details and contact information.

   Fidelity National Collections SCMS Discount 2015




ICD-10 SmartSheet10 Solution

Dear Stark County Medical Society Member,

I hope all is well.  It has been a while.  When we last exchanged e-mails or communicated, the ICD-10 deadline was approaching and then it got extended to October 1st of 2015.  That seems to be a hard date according to our partner Darena Solutions a Nemo Capital Company.  Since we last spoke we have developed a licensing model for SmartSheet10 that is very affordable.   If I remember correctly, many were very excited about our solution at the time and you asked “how much and when can I get it.”  We also discussed the SmartSheet10 solution as a product or service you could brand as your own and resell to the network as a revenue generator.

SmartSheet10 is available as a Stand Alone product for $199 per month.  It can be loaded on (3) machines per license.  It also has the ability to integrate with any EHR on the market at an additional cost.  The software is completely automated.  We will set up a specific web lead designator.  Once we have that in place, it’s as simple as sending you to the website where they can download a 30 day free trial.  Once the trial completes, then you are signed up for $199 a month reoccurring, unless contacted in writing to cancel.  The licensing fee is designed as a monthly charge because the software automatically updates any new codes that come from CMS.

Let me know if you would like to discuss our SmartSheet10 Solution.  I can set up a Goto Meeting to reintroduce the product if that works for you or I can stopped down to visit in person.  In the meantime here is a short video for you to familiarize yourself with the product again.

Let me know how you would like to proceed.


Rob Johnston Partner

StrongBase Consulting Office:  330-915-2355

Cell: 1-484-682-9004

[email protected]

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CMS and AMA Announce Efforts to Help Providers Get Ready for ICD-10

Date           2015-07-06

Title             CMS and AMA Announce Efforts to Help Providers Get Ready For ICD-10


CMS and AMA Announce Efforts to Help Providers Get Ready For ICD-10

With less than three months remaining until the nation switches from ICD-9 to ICD-10 coding for medical diagnoses and inpatient hospital procedures, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the American Medical Association (AMA) are announcing efforts to continue to help physicians get ready ahead of the October 1 deadline.  In response to requests from the provider community, CMS is releasing additional guidance that will allow for flexibility in the claims auditing and quality reporting process as the medical community gains experience using the new ICD- 10 code set.

Recognizing that health care providers need help with the transition, CMS and AMA are working to make sure physicians and other providers are ready ahead of the transition to ICD-10 that will happen on October 1.  Reaching out to health care providers all across the country, CMS and AMA will in parallel be educating providers through webinars, on-site training, educational articles and national provider calls to help physicians and other health care providers learn about the updated codes and prepare for the transition

“As we work to modernize our nation’s health care infrastructure, the coming implementation of ICD-10 will set the stage for better identification of illness and earlier warning signs of epidemics, such as Ebola or flu pandemics.” said Andy Slavitt, Acting Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. “With easy to use tools, a new ICD-10 Ombudsman, and added flexibility in our claims audit and quality reporting process, CMS is committed to working with the physician community to work through this transition.”

“ICD 10 implementation is set to begin on October 1, and it is imperative that physician practices take steps beforehand to be ready,” said AMA President Steven J. Stack, MD.  “We appreciate that CMS is adopting policies to ease the transition to ICD-10 in response to   physicians’ concerns that inadvertent coding errors or system glitches during the transition to ICD-10 may result in audits, claims denials, and penalties under various Medicare reporting programs.  The actions CMS is initiating today can help to mitigate potential problems.  We will continue to work with the administration in the weeks and months ahead to make sure the transition is as smooth as possible.”

The International Classification of Diseases, or ICD, is used to standardize codes for medical conditions and procedures. The medical codes America uses for diagnosis and billing have not been updated in more than 35 years and contain outdated, obsolete terms.

The use of ICD-10 should advance public health research and emergency response through detection of disease outbreaks and adverse drug events, as well as support innovative payment models that drive quality of care.

CMS’ free help includes the “Road to 10” aimed specifically at smaller physician practices with primers for clinical documentation, clinical scenarios, and other specialty-specific resources to help with implementation. CMS has also released provider training videos that offer helpful ICD-10 implementation tips.

The AMA also has a broad range of materials available to help physicians prepare for the October 1 deadline.  To learn more and stay apprised on developments, visit AMA Wire.

CMS also detailed its operating plans for the ICD-10 implementation. Upcoming milestones include:

Setting up an ICD-10 communications and coordination center, learning from best practices of other large technology implementations that will be in place to identify and resolve issues arising from the ICD-10 transition.

  • Sending a letter in July to all Medicare fee-for-service providers encouraging ICD-10 readiness and notifying them of these flexibilities.
  • Completing the final window of Medicare end-to-end testing for providers this July.
  • Offering ongoing Medicare acknowledgement testing for providers through September 30th.
  • Providing additional in-person training through the “Road to 10” for small physician practices.
  • Hosting an MLN Connects National Provider Call on August 27th.

In accordance with the coming transition, the Medicare claims processing systems will not have the capability to accept ICD-9 codes for dates of services after September 30, 2015, nor will they be able to accept claims for both ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes.

Also, at the request of the AMA, CMS will name a CMS ICD-10 Ombudsman to triage and answer questions about the submission of claims. The ICD-10 Ombudsman will be located at CMS’s ICD-10 Coordination Center.


HPV Genotyping: a new dimension in cervical cancer screening


6:00pm Cash Bar, Wine Tasting & Hors d’oeuvres

6:45 pm Program

8:00 pm Adjourn  

Program Topics include:

  • Understanding of the importance of HPV 16 & HPV 18 in cervical cancer screening
  • Understanding and ability to implement current cervical cancer screening guidelines
  • Ability to articulate the role HPV DNA testing plays in the management of cervical cancer

Presenter:   Lawrence J. Glad, MD CCD FACOG

Medical School: University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

Internship: Magee-Womens Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA

Residency: Magee-Womens Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA

Board Status: Obstetrics/Gynecology – Certified

Sponsor: Roche Diagnostics Corporation

Click here for RSVP formGeneral Membership Meeting RSVP Summer 2015



Three Steps to Safeguard Your Medicines


Did you know that 8 of 10 teens who misuse prescription drugs get them from friends or relatives?


Play it safe and dispose of prescriptions properly to keep drugs out of the illicit supply pipeline.


Get the facts, click here:  Prescription Safety Fact Sheet

Road Trip – MGMA Fall State Conference

MGMA Fall State Conference

September 18, 2015

Sheraton Suites/Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

  Click here for details:  MGMA Fall 2015 ohio_brochure6

ICD-10 Quick Start Guide

This guide outlines 5 steps health care professionals should take to prepare for ICD-10 by the October 1, 2015, compliance date. You can complete parts of different steps at the same time if that works best for your practice.

Check here to download the guide:  ICD10QuickStartGuide2015

Medmediamart Announces New HIPAA Compliant Email Service

For more details click here:  medmediamart HIPAA Compliant E-mail Service (R)

Stark County Medical Society News June/July/August 2015

News JJA 2015


JJA 2015

Click here to download the newsletter:  June July August 2015


8th Annual Folds of Honor Charity Outing & Auction

Shady Hollow Country Club

Monday, August 24th, 2015


11:00 Registration, 12:30 p.m. Shotgun Start

$200 per player

Includes: Contests, golf and carts, silent auction, lunch and steak dinner.


Proceeds from this event will benefit the Folds of Honor Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which provides post-secondary educational scholarships for the spouses and children of military service men and women killed or disabled while serving our great nation.

www.foldsofhonor. org

 Be a Proud American Patriot and show

“Where your heart lies” to support this event!

9/11 – Thirteen years later – they still sacrifice for us!

Donations & auction items also accepted!

To sign up or for more information about this event, please contact:

Dr. Jamie Zucker

2069 Applegrove NE, Canton, Ohio 44721

(330) 904-1029 [email protected]